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COVID-19 gets its official name from the World Health Organization this month on February 11, although is still occasionally referred to as the “coronavirus” ever after.

The Trump Administration’s first travel restrictions on China go into effect on February 2, preventing most non-residents from entering the country. WHO, meanwhile, says travel restrictions are not necessary.

Multiple competing narratives surface in news reports; some reports claim the flu is a bigger threat than COVID-19, and the official line on mask wearing is that it is not effective and provides a “false sense of security.” At the end of the month, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams urges the public to stop purchasing face masks.

Nevertheless, celebrities are spotted wearing them, masks are featured in Paris Fashion Week, and they remain widely used in Asia.

Other reports decry a perceived “racism epidemic” against Chinese people, along with a “misinformation epidemic” that Big Tech companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Reddit, worked to stymie.

The White House opens an official investigation into COVID-19 origins, and official media reports generally promote the wet market theory.

The pangolin is considered a prime suspect this month, moving on from bats and snakes in January. Lab-engineered theories are generally considered conspiratorial by legacy media.

Vaccine and other treatment development remain underway, and reports discuss merits of current protective measures like: thermometer guns (considered not effective), fresh air (considered effective), warmer weather (considered possibly effective), tobacco (considered possibly effective), and a clean-shaven face (considered possibly effective).

China’s quarantine measures continue and the country is at times praised for its response and derided for manipulating its COVID-19 related data. Italy begins its first lockdown for some areas in late February.

COVID-19 spreads to more countries, but is not yet considered a pandemic by WHO.

Key Dates and Stories:

  • February 2: Travel restrictions from China take effect, along with mandatory quarantines.
  • February 6: White House asks scientists to investigate origins of coronavirus.
  • February 7: WHO warns of global mask shortage.
  • February 7: Pangolin named as COVID-19 origin suspect.
  • February 11: WHO gives COVID-19 its official name.
  • February 13: Facebook, Amazon, Google and more met with WHO to figure out how to stop coronavirus misinformation.
  • February 24: Stock market takes sharp downward turn.
  • February 24: Trump sends $2.5 billion supplemental budget request to Congress.
  • February 26: Trump appoints Vice President Mike Pence to lead COVID-19 response.
  • February 29: First death from coronavirus recorded in the U.S.
  • February 29: Surgeon General Jerome Adams urges the public to stop buying face masks

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